Featured story in The Abstract, NC State News
Featured story in The Abstract, NC State News, The Search for Electron-Hole Liquids Gets Warmer.
Dr. Kenan Gundogdu
Featured story in The Abstract, NC State News, The Search for Electron-Hole Liquids Gets Warmer.
Manuscript accepted for publication as “Editor’s Suggestion” in Phys Rev B, Fermi liquid theory sheds light on hot electron-hole liquid in 1L-MoS2. Read more.
Ryan Wilmington joins the group
Dr. Kenan Gundogdu spoke at the 13th International Conference on Optics of Surfaces and Interfaces, giving the talk Optically Created and Sustaine Electron Hole Liquid in Monolayer MoS2. Read more.
Congratulations to Andy Barrette who defended his thesis this Monday, Ultrafast Optical Studies of Amplified Spontaneous Emission in Hybrid Organic-Inorganic Perovskites.